5:30 PM Newscast

Governor Edwards made the rounds on Baton Rouge TV and radio after meeting President Donald Trump to discuss the state’s criminal justice reforms. Jeff Palermo has more.

Cut 1 (30) “I’m Jeff Palermo”

Saints defensive end Cam Jordan calls President Donald Trump a “Goober” in a Tweet after the president critized players again for not standing for the national anthem. Three Miami Dolphins players took a knee last night, while Jaguars running back Leonard Fournette stayed in the locker room.

The state has entered negotiations to purchase 10-thousand voting machines from Dominion Voting Systems, Inc, but the price tag has increased to repace their current machines. Interim Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin has acknowledged one of the two losing companies bidding for the voting machine contract has expressed concern the selection process may be “rigged” …

Cut 10 (10) “…15 to 20 years.”

The Tigers are installing the largest video board in college baseball in Alex Box Stadium and it’s set to go online for the 2019 season opener in February. The goliath sits right off left field and is 71 feet wide and nearly 38 feet tall. LSU Baseball Publicist Bill Franques says it’s really going to add to the game day experience.  And for those worried that your tax dollars are going towards a fancy new video board….

Cut 8 (11) “the game.”