The disclipline has been reduced for three state troopers involved in the Las Vegas side trip scandal, after the troopers involved claimed they were made out to be the scapegoats…
Cut 2 (30) ”I’m Matt Doyle”
Saints defensive end Cam Jordan calls President Donald Trump a “Goober” in a Tweet after the president critized players again for not standing for the national anthem. Three Miami Dolphins players took a knee last night, while Jaguars running back Leonard Fournette stayed in the locker room.
Governor John Bel Edwards made the rounds on Baton Rouge TV and radio stations this morning touting what he calls progress in the state’s efforts to improve the criminal justice syste. Critics say the reforms are too soft on crime, but Edwards countered by saying most of the excess prisoners that boosted the state’s incarceration rate were behind bars for getting busted for holding drugs.
Cut 4 (07) “do better”
Louisiana shrimpers say a strike could be coming soon if prices hit thirty cents a pound, because of cheaper, imported seafood. Louisiana Shrimpers Association President Acy Cooper says many of the imported shrimp from countries like Indonesia are flooding the market just before the season kicks off in the Bayou State.
Cut 10 (04) “…run our prices down.”
The shrimp season is set to begin on Monday and Cooper says prices haven’t been this low since the 1980s.