8:30 am LRN Newscast April 28, 2018

The woman who has accused Secretary of State Tom Schedler of sexual harassment has come forward to the Louisiana Radio Network to tell her story. Jeff Palermo has the details…
Cut 2 (47) I’m Jeff Palermo”
Dawn Ross’ allegations that she was harassed by Secretary of State came to light in back February. 

The Senate passed a proposal that will allow public school employees to pray with students during class. Before joining in the group prayers, students would have to have a request form signed by their parents. The bill’s sponsor, Bossier Senator Ryan Gatti, says it’s a response to recent legal actions taken against his parish.
Cut 3 (12) “like that”
For those concerned about crossing a line between church and state, Gatti says prayer is allowed in other state based institutions, including the legislature.

The Louisiana Red Cross is joining a national push to install thousands of smoke detectors in homes around the country. “Sound the Alarm” has Red Cross volunteers visiting homes to install alarms and educate families on fire safety. Greater New York Regional CEO Josh Lockwood says it’s successful.
Cut 10 (07) “since 2014″