3:30 LRN Newscast April 2nd

Louisiana stands to receive nearly six million dollars from the federal government that will go towards the purchase of 10-thousand early and election day voting machines.
cut 11 (10) “…out there”
Secretary of State Tom Schedler says it will cost between 50 to 60 million dollars to overhaul the state’s aging voting system and they’ll begin accepting bids in May.

Louisianans for Prison Alternatives is actively lobbying the legislature to not only maintain the 2017 criminal justice reforms, but to enact even more measures to reduce the prison population by 50-percent over the next 10 years. Spokesperson Colleen Gielskie (gel-skie)…
Cut 13 (10) “new ones”
Gielskie says the so-called three strike law and high mandatory-minimum sentences are largely to blame for such long prison sentences.

Baton Rouge Police investigators have decided against charging a man in the fatal shooting of an 18-year-old. Sergeant L’Jean Mckneely says the teenager, Ke’irie Grayer, pointed a gun at a 25-year-old and tried to rob him, as he walked out of a conveinence store…
cut 6 (10) “…justifiable shooting”
Mckneely says they are turning over their evidence to the District Attorney’s office, leaving open the posisibility the D-A could purse charges.

A Vernon Parish sheriff’s deputy is recovering today after he was involved in a fatal shooting when he responded to a domestic distrubance call in New Llano. Sheriff Sam Craft says 60-year-old Bobby Hinton fired at his officer as soon he got out of his patrol car. Craft says the deput fired his weapon, killing Hinton….
cut 5 (06) “…fired immediately”
The female who called in the incident was not injured,