The officer who shot Alton Sterling was fired from the Baton Rouge Police Department after an administrative review determined he violated departmental policies during the incident. Blane Salamoni was not charged by federal or state prosecutors, but Police Chief Murphy Paul says the officer clearly did not follow procedure.
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Lake was suspended three days.
Along with the results of the administrative review, Paul released evidence that was previously unavailable to the public. Video and audio, as well as the 911 call is now available online. Sterling family attorney Chris Stewart says police shootings shouldn’t be local authority’s jurisdiction.
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After a slow start, the crawfish supply is ready to match the Easter weekend demand. Freezing temperatures in January temporarily halted production, but LSU Crawfish expert Doctor Greg Lutz says the mudbugs have bounced back….
Lutz says Easter is prime crawfish eating season but that doesn’t mean the prices won’t be good and the size won’t be big.
NBA and LSU legend Shaquille O’Neil is helping Lafayette High School athletes get ripped with a big donation to the school’s weight room renovation project. The school is looking to raise 42,000 dollars to give the Mighty Lions a better room to pump iron in. Shaq kicked off the fund drive off with a message of encouragement to the students.