A bill to establish one set of rules for ride sharing companies has come up in the legislature. If passed Uber and Lyft will be riding high. Jim Shannon explains.
An 85,000 dollar settlement has been reached in a sexual harassment case against a former aide to Gov. John Bel Edwards. Matt Doyle has more.
Ride sharing companies like Uber and Lyft may soon be regulated by the state rather than parishes or cities in Louisiana. A bill to create statewide regulations over uber drivers has been introduced. Uber spokesperson Nick Juliano says we have been lagging behind other states when it comes to regulations.
Currently individual parishes and cities control the Uber and Lyft rules. This puts control of the ride share companies under the blanket of the state.
Juliano says individual cities will no longer have jurisdiction of the cars and trucks.
Your child may ask for a rabbit as a pet for their very own Easter bunny. But it may not be the right fit for your family. Alicia Haefele-Vile with the Louisiana SPCA says a rabbit is like having a dog or cat, but with much more care…
Haefele-Vile says neutering or spaying is extremely important in care for your rabbit. Rabbits have a quick reproduction cycle, so if you don’t, you will have more rabbits than you can handle…
Cut 7 (12) “local veterinarian.”
Shelters usually after a month or so after Easter see a rash of bunnies turned in. Haefele-Vile says if you find you can’t care for the rabbit, under no circumstances should you let the rabbit loose in the wild…
On an eight to six vote, The House Agriculture Committee approved a bill by Carencro Representative Julie Emerson repealing the requirement for a Louisiana florist to be licensed. Louisiana is the only state that requires florists to take a written exam and be approved. She says florists will still need a permit, but her bill eliminates a 40 question written test…
Committee Chairman Clay Schexnayder of Gonzales is afraid if the requirement to license florists is done away with, it will be bad news for consumers…
Ag Commissioner Mike Strain says 70-percent pass the florist’s exam on the initial try and those who take it a second time usually pass. Emerson says it’s time to take down the barriers keeping florists out of the marketplace…
Cut 11 (06) “giving oversight.”
71 people were arrested in a north Louisiana bust targeting prostitution and human trafficking. The sweep took place last week. Authorities have released the names, with ages ranging from 68 years-old to a juvenile. Shreveport Police Corporal Angie Willhite says the charges involve a wide range of criminal behavior.
The operation, named “Slick John” arrested people from seven different states as far away as Nebraska. Willhite says the sting involved officers from the FBI, Caddo-Shreveport Narcotics Task Force, Louisiana ATC, and the Greenwood Police Department.
Cut 13 (06) “very succsessful”
Willhite says the bust was part of the ongoing effort to fight human trafficking in the Bayou State.