State Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon says 60-percent of the Louisiana residents who purchased insurance through the marketplace created by the Affordable Care Act face a double-digit rate hike next year. Donelon says 101-thousand Louisiana residents have health care through the individual marketplace and they anticipate the average rate increase to be about 12 to 13 percent…
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Donelon says the hike is the result of a federal premium tax that’s been placed on the policies and the rates have been capped for the elderly and least healthy.
BESE’s attempt to hire a lawyer to pursue a possible lawsuit against Governor Bobby Jindal over Common Core has hit a snag. Commissioner of Administration Kristy Nichols has requested more information from the state education board in regards to the law firm contract. She says the firm cannot represent a party in an action that adversely affects the state.
The National Weather Service in Shreveport says a bad storm that blew through northwest Louisiana last night left thousands without power and claimed the life of one person. Michelle Southern has the story…
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A commitment is in place to produce more workers for the Gulf of Mexico oil and gas industry. Higher education leaders, state officials, and representatives from the oil industry have formed a long-term public-private partnership to come up with solutions to meet with workforce needs. Louisiana Mid Continent Oil and Gas Association President Chris John…
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John says about 40-percent of experienced workforce in the Gulf of Mexico will retire in the next ten years. He says that’s a concern, especially since deep water exploration and production is expected to increase.