13:30 Newscast July 4,2017

State officials say it’s very important to keep safety measures in mind when setting off fireworks this Fourth of July. Michelle Southern has more…
Cut 1 (31) “I’m Michelle Southern”

A suspect who shot at a sheriff’s deputy in Ouachaita Parish has been taken into custody. The shooting happened at about 4:30 this morning in south Monroe during a traffic stop. A spokesperson with the Sheriff’s Office says the deputy was not hit when two shots were fired. The identity of the suspect has not been released.


It’s a hot and sticky Independence Day. State Climatologist Barry Keim advises people to stay cool and drink lots of water. He says there is minimal cloud coverage and no change of rain so outdoor activities won’t be interrupted.
Cut 13 (07) “be minimal”
He says we can expect more hot summer days through the rest of the week.
Secretary of State Tom Schedler says Louisiana voters’ private information will not be released no matter what the Trump administration says. Schedler says he denied the voter information request from the presidential commission on election integrity. He says he received a letter from the commission’s vice chairman requesting the info.
Cut 9 (12) “legislators”