11:30 Newscast, October 25th, 2016

We’re two weeks away from Election Day, and party leaders on both sides are facing similar struggles. Candidates for US Senate have been going at it with opponents from their own party. Executive Director of the Louisiana Democratic Party Stephen Handwerk says those vicious blows will make it harder for the party to come together after November 8th…:
Cut 6 (07) “attacking you”
Early voting got underway today and runs through November 1st, but not Sunday. Secretary of State Tom Schedler says reminds voters that Election Day is on a Tuesday, so it might be easier for people to early vote, especially flood victims…:
cut 4 (07) “office again”
Some early voting locations have changed sites and you can get that information online at geauxvote.com.

Only 30-percent of state judgeships are held by women in Louisiana, and racial minorities make up only 23 percent of those on the bench. That’s according to a study by Tulane University and Political scientist Sally Kenney. She says there are over 100 judicial vacancies in the country, and many senators have declined to give approval to fill those positions:
cut 12 (10) “judicial districts”
She says we need to start conversations about women and minority inclusion.

A Baton Rouge teacher is under arrest amid allegations he made lewd sexual comments to a student after watching a video of her twerking. The Sheriff’s Office says 32-year-old Christopher Shepard, now on leave from Scotlandville High, was booked on a a misdemeanor charge of prohibited sexual conduct between educator and student.