15:30 LRN Newscast September 26th

Tonight is the first presidential debate between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hilliary Clinton. ULM Political Science Professor Joshua Stockley expects the recent police shootings of black men will be a topic of discussion…
cut 5 (10) “….community”
The debate gets underway at 8:00 local time.

A new poll on Louisiana’s US Senate race finds Republican Charles Boustany and Democrat Foster Campbell tied at 15-percent. Republican John Fleming and Democrat Caroline Fayard are just behind them, while GOP Treasurer John Kennedy is at 11-percent. Pollster John Couvillion of JMC analytics says his survey shows 25-percent of voters are undecided…
cut 8 (08) “…ratchet down”
Fleming’s campaign paid for this survey.

LSU Athletic Director Joe Alleva spoke with reporters along with interim Head Coach Ed Orgeron today. Michelle Southern reports…:
CUT 2 (26) “I’m Michelle Southern”

A body was found floating in the Cane River in Natchitoches today. Detectives have been able to determine that the deceased individual is a 28-year-old hispanic male by the name of Antonio Francisco. Authorities are still trying to determine a cause of death.

And Louisiana Ag Commissioner Mike Strain has been named the president of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture.