A pro-voucher group, the Louisiana Federation for Children, releases an ad today that features parents accusing Governor John Bel Edwards of breaking campaign promises by cutting the state scholarship Program. LFC President Ann Duplessis says fewer children will receive vouchers to attend private or parochial schools based on the governor’s proposed budget…:
cut 12 (08) “children’s future”
The governor has responded by saying the L-F-C’s accusations are blatantly false.
Houston-based Union Tank Car Company (UTLX) said it expects to lay off about 224 employees beginning June 24th at its Alexandria facility. Jim Clinton is the CEO of the Central Louisiana Economic Development Alliance. He says they’ve known for some time that this cutback was coming…:
CUT 9 (07) “related commodities”
UTLX said they will continue to employ about 350 people.
A 17-year-old student from Alexandria Senior High is under arrest for allegedly making threats about the school’s prom over social media. Lt. Tommy Carnline says anytime they get wind of a threat like this, they take it very seriously…:
CUT 7 (09) “high school”
17-year-old Adrian Ray is charged with terrorizing, stalking, and obstruction of justice.
Louisiana lawmakers are working to regulate drones. Baton Rouge Senator Dan Claitor has legislation that prevents people from using drones for stalking, voyeurism, and other crimes. He says technology is advancing, and regulation of drones is needed to keep up with the times…”
CUT 4 (07) “your house”
Claitor says you shouldn’t be able to do something with a piece of technology that would wouldn’t do with your physical person.