9:30 Newscast December 5,2015

Governor-elect John Bel Edwards has developed a higher education transition team to create policy recommendations to improve Louisiana’s colleges and universities. Edwards says he wants the state place more money into higher ed and make it more affordable for students . CABL President Barry Erwin is on the committee…:

CUT 3 (09)  “regional average”

A jury in Ouachita Parish has found the man accused of shooting at two Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries agents, guilty. In the May 21st incident, 32-year-old Sgt. Scott Bullitt was shot while on patrol. LDWF spokesman Adam Einck says the jury found 29-year-old Luke Hust guilty after about hours of deliberation…

cut 12 (09)  “convicted felon”


This weekend kicks off many holiday office parties, there are some etiquette tips to make sure you follow when attending. Eric Gill has more…

CUT 2 (28)  “I’m Eric Gill”

A national credit reporting agency says Louisiana has several challenges ahead, much of the Jindal Administration’s plan to solve the $487 million midyear shortfall has only short term fixes. State Treasurer John Kennedy says if our state’s credit rating is lowered, tax payers will be force to dish out more when Louisiana borrows money to build roads, bridges and restore our coastline. He says Fitch ratings believes Governor-elect John Bel Edwards and lawmakers will get the state’s fiscal house in order.