LRN Newscast 17:30 December 1

Republican Governor Bobby Jindal and Democrat Governor-elect John Bel Edwards met at the governor’s mansion for about an hour today to discuss transition as Edwards is set to be sworn in on January 11th. Edwards says Jindal has been cooperating with the transition ever since election night…
cut 30 (12) “….Governor Jindal”

With Republican Senator David Vitter deciding not to run for re-election next year that means Bill Cassidy will soon be Louisiana’s Senior Senator. Cassidy is just finishing up his first year in office and UL Lafayette Political Science Professor Pearson Cross says Cassidy’s involvement in health care issues and public policy will see his stature in the Senate grow in the coming years…
cut 11 (07) “….to posturing”
A poll from Morning Consult finds that 44-percent of Louisiana voters approve of Cassidy’s job performance.

Richland Parish Congressman Ralph Abraham is back in Louisiana after spending his Thanksgiving holiday with American soldiers in Afghanistan. Abraham says he was honored to spend time with the people who let us sleep safely every night. He says the men and women are optimistic about their mission of training Afghan soldiers to battle terrorism in their country:
cut 12 (10) “hostile environment”
Abraham says they want to help give Afghanistan the democratic type of government that they want.

Today is Giving Tuesday — a chance for you to give back to charities. The American Red Cross is participating in the third Giving Tuesday and hopes everyone who can, will give back in a meaningful way. Louisiana Region Spokesperson Nancy Malone…:
CUT 6 (09) “overnight”
She says you can visit Red-Cross-dot-org-slash-gifts ( to donate.