LRN Newscast 14:30 November 24

One of the police officers accused of killing a six-year-old boy in Marksville has been allowed to post bond and be released from jail. Judge William Bennett ordered that 23-year-old Norris Greenhouse Junior shall be released after his family posted a one-million dollar bond. There were legal questions over whether the bond can be accepted, because Greenhouse’s father is an assistant district attorney.

Governor-elect John Bel Edwards spoke at the annual Louisiana Federation of Teachers convention in Lake Charles. Edwards told teachers that he will insist on more autonomy for local school systems when it comes to charter schools in their district…
cut 6 (11) “accountability system”
Edwards also said he would not ban vouchers or close charter schools.

Blue Bell lovers are rejoicing as the creamery announces they’re coming back to Louisiana grocery stores on December 21st. Emelie Gunn has more…
cut 1 (31) “…I’m Emelie Gunn”

Many in the national media are writing that its crazy LSU is considering firing Coach Les Miles. Dennis Dodd with cbs-sports-dot-com, says LSU would be making a horrible decision if they axed Miles…
cut 12 (10) “…winning”
Dodd says it will be hard for LSU to replace Miles with a better coach.