08:30 Newscast November 3, 2015

The 2015 Louisiana Tax Amnesty Period will run from November 16th to December 15th. Michelle Southern has more…

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The latest independent poll on Louisiana’s gubernatorial runoff shows Democrat John Bel Edwards with a 20 point lead over Republican David Vitter. In the survey, Edwards received 52-percent of the vote with Vitter tallying 32-percent. WVLA-TV and JMC Analytics surveyed 600 likely voters across the state. The poll also shows Edwards leading Vitter among undecided voters, 54 to 35-percent.

Fellow Republicans, incumbent Buddy Caldwell and challenger Jeff Landry, will face off November 21st for the state’s Attorney General’s seat. Landry, a former Congressman and Tea Party favorite, says Caldwell is in for a difficult fight because the AG’s office is currently filled with cronyism, nepotism and corruption…

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Caldwell has held the position since 2008.

November has just begun and many retailers are already beating the Christmas shopping season drum. LSU Marketing Professor Dan Rice says many companies are not just going to have “Black Friday” deals for the holidays. He says some are giving holiday deals that are good for a longer period of time, up to several weeks in some instances…

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He says it appears retailers are starting the Christmas season earlier and earlier each year.