5:30 LRN Newscast June 18

A federal judge has ruled that details will remain seal in the federal criminal case against Danial Callihan, the man who has confesses to killing Callie Brunette and her three-year-old daughter. A federal bond hearing will be held June 25th. Calihan is also facing state charges in Mississippi and Louisiana in Tangipahoa Parish. Victoria Cox is also charged in the case.

Baton Rouge Republican Congressman Garret Graves publicly spoke for the first time since announcing he will not run for re-election.

Cut 1 (32)  “…I’m Mel Bridges.”


New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell’s temporary restraining order against a woman who photographed her and her then-bodyguard Jeffrey Vappie (rhymes with happy) eating and drinking wine while on duty has been thrown out. The judge dismissed Cantrell’s temporary restraining order against Anne Breaud (Brohd). Justin Schmidt, who represented Breaud…

Cut 8 (11)  “…you for it”” 


Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell will ask the P-S-C tomorrow to approve a plan to refund SWEPCO customers 23-million dollars because they were overcharged last year. Campbell says the average customer would receive a credit 62-dollars divided over their July, August and September bills. The refunds will be substantial for large businesses.
cut 11 (11) “….thousands of dollars”
Campbell says SWEPCO has admitted to billing error.