2:30 PM Newscast June 18

Representative Garret Graves of Baton Rouge announced Friday that he wouldn’t seek reelection in the Sixth District saying he doesn’t think any representative will be able to fairly represent the needs of all the different areas in the new district 6. He spoke today and says he plans to take a break from politics altogether.

Cut 5 (07)  “…level set.”

A federal case brought on behalf of a group of prisoners at Angola is being heard in Baton Rouge today. A New Orleans-based advocacy group along with a group of incarcerated men at Angola asking Judge Brian Jackson to grant an injunction barring the Louisiana State Penitentiary from outdoor farm operations performed by prisoners when the heat index reaches 88 degrees or higher. Angola is among several prisons whose inmates provide products used in many popular American food items.

The PSC will vote tomorrow on a proposal to refund SWEPCO customers $23 million. Brooke Thorington has more.

Cut 2 (33)  “…I’m Brooke Thorington.” 

New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell’s temporary restraining order against a woman who photographed her and her then-bodyguard Jeffrey Vappie (rhymes with happy) eating and drinking wine while on duty has been thrown out. The judge dismissed Cantrell’s temporary restraining order against Anne Breaud (Brohd). Justin Schmidt, who represented Breaud…

Cut 8 (03)  “…morning.”