1:30 LRN Newscast

Republican Congressman Garret Graves of Baton Rouge publicly spoke for the first time today since announcing he will not run again because the new Congressional map dramatically changes the district he represents….
Cut 1 (32) “…I’m Mel Bridges.”

A federal judge has ruled that details will remain sealed in the federal criminal case against Dnaiel Callihan, a man who has confessed to killing Callie Brunett and her three-year-old daughter. Callihan is also facing state charges in Mississippi and Louisiana in Tangipahoa Parish.

North Louisiana Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell will ask the P-S-C tomorrow to approve a plan to refund SWEPCO customers 23-million dollars because they were overcharged last year. Campbell says the average customer would receive a credit 62-dollars during July, August and September and the refunds will be substantial for businesses who use a lot of energy,,,
cut 11 (11) “….thousands of dollars”
Campbell says SWEPCO has admitted to billing error.

Louisiana Tech student Olivia Grace George has been crowned Miss Louisiana 2024. George plans to pursue a career as an educator and during her time as Miss Louisiana she wants to help students grow their love for learning…
Cut 13 (08) “…take care of us.”
Her community service initiative is “Knowledge Empowers Youth to Do More – Education is KEY.”