This year’s edition of the KIDS COUNT Data Book shows the unprecedentedly harmful effect the pandemic had on student learning. Annie E. Casey Foundation President Lisa Hamilton says this report shows a higher percentage of Louisiana students suffered from trauma than students nationwide, Louisiana did not see as many students chronically absent as the rest of the country says Louisiana students are staying in school, and that counts.
Hamilton says there are still pandemic funds out there that could help schools catch students up.
Currently Louisiana requires hair braiders to be licensed and have at least 500 hours of education, which can cost as much as 20 thousand dollars. A bill that would have lifted requirements did not make it through this year’s legislative session. Critics of the bill say the hours are essential for education and safety. Bill sponsor Mike Bayham of Chalmette says they are cost-prohibitive and unnecessary.
Considering Louisiana has among the highest property and auto insurance rates in the country, insurance coverage for your pet here is the most affordable. Brooke Thorington has more.
Cut 2 (31) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”
The 2024 Olympic Beach Volleyball Team will have a little Louisiana flavor in Paris this summer. Two LSU Beach Volleyball Alums have qualified for Team USA. Both Tary Kloth and Kristen Nuss have been officially selected to compete. They are the first from LSU. Beginning July 27, Nuss from New Orleans and Koth from Sioux Falls, South Dakota will be part of the excitement when the Women’s Olympic Beach Volley ball competition kicks off.