1:30 LRN Newscast May 29

While Governor Jeff Landry can claim some legislative victories in his first regular session, a few key pieces remain to be decided. Brooke Thorington has more.

Cut 2 (29) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”

The St. Augustine Marching 100 is heading to Normandy, France. to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-day. School President Aulston Taylor says the students are excited and ready for this incredible journey.

Cut 5 (12) “…young leadership.”

The Marching 100 will head out Monday and return home on June 11th.

Earlier this month, the Louisiana House approved a bill that called for a constitutional convention to take place in August. But several lawmakers were concerned over the lack of specifics on how the convention would be held and what would exactly be changed in the constitution. Senate Governmental Affairs Chairman Cleo Fields says his committee will no hear the because there is not a consensus among state senators on holding a constitutional convection…

Cut 10 (04) “…is done.”

Governor Jeff Landry signed a bill into law that would make it a crime to stand within 25 feet of a police officer after they order you to stand back. ACLU Policy Strategist Stephanie Willis says this is a violation of our first amendment.
Cut 15 (10) “…enforcement accountable.”
Anyone who fails to stay at least 25 feet from law enforcement could face up to 60 days in prison or a $500 fine.