12:30 LRN Newscast July 1

Hurricane Beryl is a Category 4 storm as it moves into the Caribbean. LSU climatologist Barry Keim says Beryl is likely to miss Louisiana. The National Hurricane Center’s official forecast has Beryl hitting the Yucatan peninsula later this week, but Keim says there are a couple of models showing a turn towards the Gulf Coast.

Cut 5 (06)  “…(x2) problem.”

Whether Beryl threatens Louisiana or not, Keim encourages residents to start hurricane prepping if they haven’t already.

The personal finance website WalletHub has found Louisiana residents are least diligent with their credit. WalletHub’s Cassandra Happe says there is a large percentage of Louisiana adults who have collection agencies going after them for money that is past due…

Cut 8 (09) “…payment.”
The SEC officially welcomes Texas and Oklahoma to the Southeastern Conference today, making it sixteen schools starting the 2024 season. Sean Richardson has the story.

Cut 2 (34)  “…I’m Sean Richardson.”