10:30 LRN Newscast March 28

The Louisiana House has approved an insurance reform measure that repeals the three-year rule. Louisiana does not allow homeowners insurance companies to drop policyholders who have been customers for at least three years. Pollock Representative Gabe Firment says his legislation will allow insurers to better manage their risk..

Cut 3 (10) “…insurance market”  

Firment says repealing the three-year rule will help attract more insurers into the state, which would result in lower premiums.

The Senate Transportation Committee has approved a bill that would prohibit drivers from using a handheld cellphone while driving. Author of the bill, Covington Senator Patrick McMath heard from opponents that his bill is a government overreach. McMath looks at his legislation as a way to keep people safe…

Cut 7 (11) “…correct.”

The bill heads to the Senate floor.

LSU has been awarded a 550-thousand-dollar grant from the National Science Foundation, to see if they can mass produce an organic compound that could lead to better bug spray. Chemical Engineering Professor Kerry Dooley says the goal is to streamline the cost associated with the production of nootkatone.

Cut 10 (11) “…and sprays.”

Dooley says the insect repellant would reduce cases of malaria, Lyme disease, and West Nile

If you’re planning on dying Easter eggs this year, Louisiana Farm Bureau spokesperson Avery Davidson says the prices have dropped significantly. Last year the southern average for a dozen eggs was $4.17, but this year it’s $2.71.

Cut 13 (12)  “…right now.”

While you may be paying between $2.89 to $3.40 for a dozen eggs this Easter, Davidson says to keep in mind the farmer’s profit is miniscule.