11:30 LRN Newscast

Among the bills filed for the upcoming legislative session is one that could result in certain convicted sex offenders having to get vasectomies….
cut 1 (31) “…I’m Brooke Thorington”

The owners of a farm where a two faced calf was born say the calf is making progress as it’s a week old. Deux Face is being cared for at Breaux Farms in Vermilion Parish. She has four eyes, two noses, two mouths and her head is very heavy for her body. Deux Face faces long odds of living past a month.

33 cadets graduate from the Louisiana State Police training academy today. Captain Nick Manale says the 103rd cadet class spent 24 weeks learning how to become a State Trooper and now they’ll spend more time training with a veteran trooper…
cut 7 (08) “….Louisiana State Trooper”
Manale says they have about 900 troopers and plan to have another cadet class soon.

There’s the potential for severe weather as the day goes on. LSU climatologist Barry Keim says a cold front is moving through the state and we’ll see cooler temperatures this weekend….
cut 5 (11) “….around 70″
Sunday looks like a nice day and don’t forget we spring forward on Sunday so set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed on Saturday.