9:30 am Newscast

WalletHub has named 2024’s Best and Worst States for Women and Louisiana came out second to last. According to the study, women of the Bayou State ranked near the bottom for metrics including life expectancy at birth, female homicides, and high school graduation rates. Analyst Cassie Happe say the number of Louisiana women voted in the 2020 presidential election ranked 46…
Cut 5 (08) “…low percentage.” 


Forty recent graduates from the LSU-A School of Nursing passed the NCLEX National Licensure Examination on their first try. It’s the second time in six years that LSUA has seen all its students in a cohort pass the NCLEX on their first attempt. Director of the LSUA’s School of Nursing Sarita James…

Cut 14 (10) “…graduate.”



Senate-approved legislation that would lower the age a person can be charged with a felony as an adult from 18 to 17 has advanced out of the House Criminal Justice Committee. Meghan Garvey with the Louisiana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers spoke against the bill, saying non-violent 17-year-olds should stay in the juvenile justice system because their parents can be more involved in the rehabilitation process…

Cut 9 (11)  “…their path.”


A bill to expand methods to carry out the death penalty and to provide protections for those involved passed in Senate Judiciary C Monday. Committee members heard from those in favor and opposed to the measure. Brett Malone, whose mother was killed in Bossier Parish in 2000 spoke against the measure saying killing the man who killed his mother won’t help anyone and asked lawmakers how far they will go to carry out executions.