8:30 LRN Newscast February 24

The Louisiana House has approved a measure that expands the methods to carry out a death penalty and also puts penalties in place for releasing information on drugs used for a lethal injection. Jeff Palermo has the story…

Cut 2 (35)  “…I’m Jeff Palermo.” 

Also, a bill to double the minimum prison sentence for carjackings receives full passage in the House. The bill would raise the minimum prison sentence from two to five years and for carjackings that result in serious injury from 10 to 20 years. The bill passed on an 89-15 vote and heads to a Senate committee for debate.

Legislation to lower the age from 18 to 17, at which a person charged with a felony could be considered an adult successfully cleared the Senate in a 30-9 vote. New Orleans Democratic Senator Royce Duplessis says putting juveniles in adult court and correctional facilities is not the answer.

Cut 3 (13) “…these facilities.”  

The bill would Repeal the Raise the Age Act approved in 2017.

Department of Education Deputy Superintendent Jenna Chaisson says Louisiana is leading the way with common sense reading reforms. She says kindergarten through third grade students are at critical ages when it comes to learning how to read.

Cut 12 (11)  “…later grades.”  

Chaisson says getting rid of the three-cuing systems has also provided positive results.