LRn Newscast 16:30 08-27-15

The St. Landry Parish town of Sunset is mourning the loss of Police Officer Henry Nelson. Thirty-five year-old Harrison Lee Riley is accused of shooting and killing Nelson Wednesday while responding to a domestic disturbance. Riley also killed one of three women he stabbed in the incident and Sunset Mayor Charles James was visibly shaken…
CUT 9 (09) “not explainable”
Riley faces charges of first degree murder of a police officer, first degree murder and attempted first degree murder.

Ten years ago, thousands of people were stuck in gridlock trying to flee New Orleans away from Hurricane Katrina. As a result, The Department of Transportation says they now have a new, improved evacuation plan in place….
CUT 12 (10) Q: “evacuation”
That’s DOTD Spokesman Rodney Mallet.
With the 10 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, The Louisiana Department of Agriculture announces their new mobile pet shelter that can be used to evacuate up 55 domesticated animals in the event of an emergency, like a hurricane….
CUT 6 (11) “and ramps”
That’s Agriculture Commissioner Dr. Mike Strain.

It’s becoming a heroin overdose epidemic in East Baton Rouge Parish, as the area could surpass the record of 35 overdose deaths recorded in 2013. Coroner Dr. Beau Clark says it’s not a coincidence that their awareness campaign with the Capital Area Human services is being launched at this time of year…
CUT 4 (07) Q; “of overdoses”