LRN Newscast 14:30 08-27-15

The Acadiana town of Sunset is still in shock following the shooting death yesterday of Police Officer Henry Nelson. Nelson was responding to a domestic disdurbance when he was allegedly shot by 35 year-old Harrison Lee Riley. Lee is also accused of stabbing three women; killing 40-year-old Shameka Johnson.
cut 10 (09) “knows everyone”
That’s Sunset Mayor Charles James.

This time ten years ago, hundreds of thousands of people were evacuating the New Orleans area to flee from Hurricane Katrina. At the time there was no real mechanism to get people out of harms’ way. Department of Transportation spokesman Rodney Mallett says they’ve got a better plan now…
CUT 13 (08) Q: ‘Contraflow plans”
One of the things we learned from Hurricane Katrina 10 years ago was the devastating impact storms can have on domesticated animals. Louisiana Department of Agriculture Commissioner Mike Strain says we now have a new mobile pet shelter that’s ready to roll out in ermergencies….
CUT 8 (11) Q: ‘during emergencies’

Officials in East Baton Rouge Parish are concerned about the uptick of heroin overdoses over the past few years. And Coroner Dr. Beau Clark also has confirmed three deaths this year directly from synthetic marijuana use…
CUT 5 (08) Q: ‘synthetic marijuana’
Dr. Clark says they are joining with the Capitol Area Human Services division to set up an awareness campaign to help fight the problem.