8:30 LRN Newscast

A minimum wage increase goes into effect Monday in 22 states, while Louisiana remains one of over a dozen states that is keeping the federal minimum wage at 7.25 an hour.
Cut 4 (12) “…Louisiana legislature.”
That’s Jan Moeller, director of the Louisiana Budget Project, but U-L Lafayette economist Gary Wagner says wages have been on the rise since the pandemic and a higher minimum wage is not needed.

A law going into effect on New Year’s Day is a measure that bans gender affirming procedures on children. Pollock Representative Gabe Firment authored the legislation and expects a legal challenge….
cut 12 (08) “….will stand”
Governor Edwards opposed the legislation, because he says it denies healthcare to a small, unique and vulnerable group of children.

Republican Jeff Landry will become the state’s 57th governor on January 8th. Landry is still filling out his cabinet as he’s yet name who will be the secretaries for the department of transportation, natural resources, economic development and corrections under his administration. Lapolitics-dot-com publisher Jeremy Alford says there are hundreds of positions that need to be filled when a new administration takes over…
cut 15 (11) “….state government”

On January 1st, Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser is encouraging the public to kick off the new year with a hike at one of Louisiana’s State Parks. Nungesser says some of the hikes are guided…
cut 8 (11) “…of the parks”
Nungesser says nature enthusiasts will enjoy the Sam Houston State Park hike led by Southwest Master Naturalist Barbara Morris.