8:30 LRN Newscast

Drought, record heat, and historic wildfires cost Louisiana agriculture and forestry 1.7 billion dollars this year based on preliminary estimates by the LSU Ag Center. Economist Dr. Kurt Guidry says soybeans and sugarcane took the hardest economic hit, with those industries losing a combined 595-million dollars…
Cut 7 (12) “…a acre”
Livestock and hay producers sustained 389-million dollars in losses.

The CDC says nearly 50-thousand people in the U.S. died as a result of a suicide in 2022. The suicide rate of 14.3 deaths per 100-thousand people reached its highest level since 1941. LSU Health New Orleans Chair of Psychiatry Doctor Rahn Bailey says the stigma of mental illness needs to be removed so individuals are more likely to seek help…
cut 12 (12) “…professional care”

New Orleans Representative Matthew Willard has been elected as the new chairman of the House Democratic Caucus. The first task for the new Legislature that convenes in January is to draw a new Congressional district map that has two majority-minority districts. Federal courts have ruled the current map, which has just one majority-minority district, dilutes black voting power. Willard believes the Republican controlled legislature can complete the task…
cut 5 (09) “….majority-minority seats”

There are 16 high school football semi-final games tonight. In Shreveport, Calvary Baptist hosts Newman. Louisiana Football Magazine Publisher Lee Brecheen says the Cavaliers will be tough to beat…
cut 15 (12) “…much speed”