12:30 LRN Newscast Aug 30

Governor Edwards, along with State Ag Commissioner Mike Strain and State Fire Marshall Dan Wallis, says the wildfires are still a threat despite the recent rains. And while the statewide burn ban doesn’t include cooking outdoors, Edwards asked residents to refrain…

Cut 6 (09) “…for that.”

Commissioner Strain says the state needs three at least four inches of rain because the ground is extremely dry about a foot deep and is basically a tinderbox. Even with the burn ban in effect, he says the Department of Agriculture has issued more than 40 citations for violations.

So far, an estimated 60,000 acres and two people have been wildfire casualties fueled in part by the triple-digit temperatures and one of the worst droughts on record.

Louisiana Congressman Garret Graves and Florida Representative Kathy Castor introduced bipartisan legislation to stop unsafe illegally produced shrimp from reaching U.S. consumers and flooding the market. Graves says foreign shrimp is packed with illegal antibiotics and cannot be allowed to take over our market.

Cut 3 (12) “…our economy.”

R-W-E Offshore U-S Gulf has won a bid to develop wind energy in federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico. They are paying five-point-six million dollars for 102-thousand acres about 44 miles from Lake Charles. Helen Rose Patterson is the senior campaign manager for wind energy with the National Wildlife Federation…

Cut 9 (13) “…paying off”