08:30 Newscast August 5, 2015

Governor Bobby Jindal will not be one of the ten republican presidential candidates who will appear in a primetime debate on national TV Thursday night. Jeff Palermo has the story….

cut 1 (28) “I’m Jeff Palermo”

Louisiana’s Annual Sales Tax Holiday takes place this Friday and Saturday. During the holiday, customers will not have to pay the 4% state sales tax on the first 25 hundred dollars of each item they buy. Local sales taxes will still apply to purchases unless the local taxing authority has created its own exemption. You can go to revenue-dot-louisiana-dot-gov-slash-taxholiday for more information.

A report on incarcerating the poor by the ACLU of Louisiana indicates there’s a common, unlawful practice of jailing people who don’t have enough money to pay court-ordered fines. Executive Director Marjorie Esman says by bringing the report to light she hopes that courts will learn what the law is and realize that jailing people because they are poor is counter-productive…

cut 9 (10) “on with their lives”

She says a 1983 US Supreme Court ruling states judges must hold hearings to determine someone’s ability to pay before assessing a fine

The Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office arrests 26-year-old James Domingue of Sulphur for allegedly locking up a convenience store clerk and raping her in a storage room. Spokesperson Kim Myers says this seems to be a random act from Domingue, who has a criminal background…

cut 12 (07) “in 2011″

Domingue faces charges of rape, kidnapping, and false imprisonment.