07:30 Newscast August 5, 2015

Governor Bobby Jindal will not participate in Thursday’s Republican Presidential debate. Jindal did not poll well enough in recent national surveys to be invited by Fox News. ULM Political Science Professor Joshua Stockley says while missing the primetime debate is a blow to Jindal’s chances in gaining the republican nomination, its still early…

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National polls have the governor only getting one to two percent of the vote.

The ACLU of Louisiana has released a report on incarcerating the poor and it indicates there’s a common, unlawful practice of jailing people who don’t have enough money to pay court-ordered fines. Executive Director Marjorie Esman says this practice often sends financially stressed individuals into a downward cycle of incarceration…

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Esman says people who can afford the fines assessed against them don’t run the risk of incarceration.

The Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office arrests a 26-year-old man who allegedly locked up a convenience store clerk in Sulphur and raped her in a storage room. Spokesperson Kim Myers says James Domingue of Sulphur entered the business and locked the door unbeknownst to the clerk, then lured her to the back of the store pretending to search for an item…

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Myers says Domingue was arrested on charges of rape, kidnapping, and false imprisonment.

Researchers have determined the size of the “Dead Zone” in the Gulf of Mexico has grown to nearly 17-thousand square kilometers. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium executive director Nancy Rabalais says that’s 28-percent larger than in 2014….

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The “Dead Zone” is now the size of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined.