2:30 LRN Newscast Aug 11

Some local DA’s and families of murder victims are upset that the state Pardon Board is scheduling reviews for dozens of death row inmates; seeking clemency or pardon. East Baton Rouge District Attorney Hillar Moore says many have already been rejected by the board, but recent comments by the Governor revived the cases…:

CUT 07  (07)        “…the families.”

Moore says throughout Governor Edwards’ career he’d never said he was opposed to the death penalty and particularly during his re-election campaign.

State Wildlife will receive approximately $58 million in federal disaster assistance for resiliency projects stemming from the historic 2019 Mississippi and Atchafalaya flood. LDWF’s Jason Froeba says docks, processors, commercial fishermen, vessel owners, and charter captains, will be eligible for funding reimbursement…:

CUT 10(11)      “…viable.”


The Biden Administration announces the federal government will spend one point two billion dollars to build underground carbon capture hubs in Texas and Louisiana. Former New Orleans Mayor and Lt. Governor Mitch Landrieu, who is now a Senior Advisor to the President, says the funding will come from the 2021 Infrastructure Act…:

CUT 04(11)      “…bottom-up.”

Qualifying for the Governor’s election is over, with all the candidates expected to run signing up. Political analyst Bernie Pinsonat says early voting starts September 30th, and candidates NOT named Jeff Landry don’t have much time to build their name recognition…:

CUT 12(11)      “…everybody.”