6:30 LRN Newscast

Qualifying for the statewide election begins next week and are voters paying attention to the races that are developing for governor and the other open statewide seats, attorney general, state treasurer, and secretary of state. JMC Analytics and Polling pollster John Couvillon doubts we’ll see the same interest as we did in 1983 when 53-percent of the registered voters went to the polls for the Edwin Edwards-Dave Treen gubernatorial race.
Cut 10 (10) “…people running.”.

Can any of the gubernatorial candidates do anything about the rising cost of insurance. Louisiana drivers who are covered by State Farm will see an increase.
cut 13 (12) “…not liability”
Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon says 29 percent of motorists in Louisiana have State Farm coverage.

State Police is reporting a law enforcement officer was fatally shot in the Evangeline Parish town of Ville Platte last night. No word on which law enforcement agency this officer was working with. The only other information we have is that two people were shot, one them has critical injuries, the other an officer, who was pronounced dead at the scene.

The Louisiana Lottery reports record profits for the fiscal year 2023. Brooke Thorington has the winning numbers…
Cut 1 (30) “I’m Brooke Thorington.”