7:30 LRN Newscast

The Louisiana Pardon Board has decided not to act on the 56 clemency applications they received from death row inmates. Dashing their hopes of Governor Edwards commuting their sentence to life without parole. The Board says based on its own rules, they can not take up the cases, because the applications were not made within one year of their last appeal. But Louisiana Capital appeals Project director Cecelia Kappel says they’ve waived this rule before…
cut 14 (08) “….procedural grounds”
Kappel says the governor can request the Louisiana Pardon Board hear the cases, but Louisiana District Attorneys Association Director Loren Lampert believes that will not happen….
cut 16 (11) “…this is no”

SunGas Renewables is looking at building a $2 billion clean fuel facility in Pineville at the former International Paper Mill site. SunGas says the facility would manufacture nearly 400-thousand metric tons of green methanol for their customers worldwide. Louisiana Central President and CEO Jim Clinton said SunGas anticipates the creation of more than a thousand jobs at peak construction and more than 100 local jobs during operation
cut 4 (09) “….indirect jobs”
The company expects to make a final investment decision in August 2024, with construction beginning by the end of the year.

Alexandria Republican Representative Lance Harris announces his candidacy for a seat on the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education. Harris is term-limited as a state lawmaker and has served the last two years as chair of House Education.
Cut 10 (11) “…educational issues.”
BESE member Ashley Ellis, who’s not seeking re-election, has endorsed Harris to be her successor.