7:30 LRN Newscast May 29

It’s Memorial Day, a day to pay respects to those who’ve died while serving in the US military.  Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Joey Strickland says they will be holding ceremonies at the state’s five veterans’ cemeteries and honor the more than 8,800 veterans interred there….:

CUT 03(09)      “…be honored.”

Strickland is himself a veteran of the war in Vietnam.

Perhaps your Memorial Day plan includes a going out on the water? The Department of Wildlife & Fisheries urges you to remain safe and responsible, so nothing bad happens to you and yours today. LDWF’s Adam Einck says have life jackets available for every passenger in the boat…and be prepared for waterways to be crowded…:

CUT 06  (12)        “…waterways.”

Stay sober if you’re piloting. DWI laws for drivers also apply to boaters.


A tentative deal has been reached between House Republicans and the White House to raise the federal debt ceiling and avoid government default. At the center of the negotiations was Baton Rouge Congressman Garret Graves. LSU political science professor Robert Hogan says Graves has qualities that make his presence welcome at the negotiating table…and he obviously has the trust of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy…:

CUT 10(12)      “…are very high.”

Hogan expects we’ll ALL be seeing more of Graves on the national political stage.

During a gathering on Saturday, dozens of Louisiana churches were approved to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church. Ninety-five churches in fact. The split is over same-sex marriages (which are legal in the U.S.) and LGBT people behind the pulpit. UMC Bishop Delores Williamston says they wish the departing churches (quote) “success in whatever God is calling them to do.”