11:30 LRN Newscast Jan 23

So far, no Democrat has announced their candidacy for governor but a new TV ad featuring state party Chair Katie Bernhardt says help is on the way. LaPolitics.com publisher Jeremy Alford says while there’s no mention of the governor’s race in the recently released video, she certainly looks and sounds like a candidate…:

CUT 03(10)      “…difficult to tell.”

But Alford says in-party trouble may be brewing as a number of state Democrats do not approve of Bernhardt as their standard-bearer.

The state’s Board of Elementary & Secondary Education has chosen Lafayette area educator Dr. Holly Boffy (pronounced BOE-fee) as its new president. She has represented BESE District 7 since 2012, and says she wants to lead BESE toward overhauling how the state evaluates school performance…:

CUT 06(09)      “…committed to studying.”


Baton Rouge Police are investigating a Saturday night mass shooting inside a nightclub that injured 12 people, three of them critically. Police Chief Murphy Paul says some one knows who did it and they should call Crimestoppers…:

CUT 27(10)      “…for life.”

Police say the attack was not random; someone was targeted and others were innocent victims.

Across then state in Shreveport, eight people shot and wounded Sunday afternoon, as a hail of gunfire penetrated their home from outside. Among those injured: 4 small kids. Police Chief Wayne Smith says it was likely a drive-by shooting, and a targeted act…:

CUT 11(08)      “…have very well been.”

The search for the gunman or men is ongoing.