PM Newscall, July 2nd, 2015

Officials in 5 Gulf States announces they’ve reached a settlement with BP for $18.7 billion dollars which resolves litigation over the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Michelle Southern reports…:

CUT 1 (29) “I’m Michelle Southern”


The Louisiana Highway Safety Commission announces their 4th of July “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign begins today.  Eric Gill reports…

CUT 2 (30) “I’m Eric Gill”


Officials in 5 Gulf States, including Louisiana, announce they have reached a settlement with BP for $18.7 billion dollars which resolves litigation over the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Attorney General Buddy Caldwell says this is the largest environmental settlement in history…:

CUT 3 (08)  “billion dollars”

Caldwell says this $6.8 billion dollars  is the beginning of real restoration for Louisiana. He says $5 billion would be for natural resource damage, $1 billion for economic losses and $787 million would be paid in Clean Water penalties via the Restore Act…:

CUT 4 (10)  “16 years”

Caldwell says this finally and fairly resolves all issues associated
with the disaster. He says this settlement creates immediate action in what would have otherwise likely taken years of litigation in the courts to provide needed restoration to the Gulf…:(Caldwell says the exact details of the agreement will be released in the coming weeks in the form of a consent decree.)

CUT 5 (08)  “spill’s impact”


The Louisiana Highway Safety Commission announces their Independence Day “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign begins today. Deputy Director Ken Trull says their goal is to remove impaired drivers from the roadway and save lives. He says during last year’s 4th of July holiday period, there were 374 fatal and injury crashes in Louisiana…

CUT 6 (08)  “alcohol related”

Trull says that of the 10 fatal crashes during last year’s 4th of July holiday, seven of them were alcohol related. He says they have given overtime grants to law enforcement agencies across the state in order for them to increase patrols statewide…

CUT 7 (08) “off the roadway”

He says if you are going to drink, you should always pick a designated driver. Trull says traffic safety is every motorist’s responsibility and following a few rules can help you have a safe holiday weekend…

CUT 8 (05)  “task of driving”


Fishing begins today for the 67th Annual Tarpon Rodeo at Moran’s Marina in Fourchon. The rodeo starts today and ends on the 4th.  Rodeo Admiral Eddie Callais says this year there will be more that 15-thousand dollars worth of prizes.

CUT 9 (08)  “are available”

Callais says the different categories of fish are inshore, offshore, blue water fish, ,spearfish, a kayak division, and a children’s category . He says every child, ages 4 to 12, to purchase a ticket to the rodeo will receive a free fishing rod and reel.

cut 10 (08) “family friendly” 

Callais says even if you aren’t participating in the tournament, there is still a lot to do. He suggests coming out to the air conditioned tent to check out the scales and cook-off . Visit for more information.

cut 11 (10) “go to”


Lockport Police say a man is under arrest after stabbing a dog and setting a house on fire in Lafourche Parish. Chief Warren Vedros says the incident started with a verbal altercation between 24-year-old Duane Ryan, Jr. and some friends. He says Ryan became irritated and grabbed a couple of knives from the kitchen to confront the men who fled…

cut 12 (11)  “of the house”

He says, at some point, Ryan allegedly stabbed the pet dog near the eye and poured gasoline inside the house. Vedros says Ryan’s girlfriend then left the house with the pet and her children…

cut 13 (07)  “house on fire”

He says after Ryan threatened to set the house ablaze, the woman later learned there was smoke coming from her residence. Vedros says when officers learned what had transpired, they took Ryan into custody… (Ryan is charged with simple arson and cruelty to animals.)

cut 14 (07) “to animal charge”
