Louisiana is gaining back 3500 oil and gas jobs by mid-2023. That’s according to a new report from LSU’s Center for Energy Studies.
cut 1 (26) “…I’m Marsanne Golsby”
The state Office of Juvenile Justice is asking judges’ to release certain low-risk offenders to parole, to make room for more incoming violent kids. A number of local DA’s signed off on the letter; saying they badly need the space in juvenile centers. The O-J-J says a factor in the space crunch is that repairs are not completed on a 36-bed dormitory at a Monroe facility damaged badly during a riot.
The Milken Center ranks Louisiana 49th in overall prosperity. Some areas of the state are more prosperous than others, like St. Tammany, Lafayette and St. Charles. Among the lowest ranking, East Carroll, West Carroll, Madison, Avoyelles, and Washington Parishes. Milken Center for Advancing the American Dream, Farah Pandith, says Claiborne Parish deserves recognition for the most improved…
cut 12 (09) “….a really good story”
According to a study by Kindness.org Louisiana is among the top ten in generosity. The survey, conducted in partnership with Verizon and NextDoor, questioned 10-thousand people from all 50 states about kind acts they would do for their neighbors. Verizon spokesperson Andrew Testa…
Cut 7 (08) “…number six.”
He says the rankings are configurated by a kindness quotient and neighbors who say they will do things like return a lost item or forgive a neighbor’s debt, receive a higher ranking