LRN Newscast 17:30 June 23rd

Charges are pending against a Church Point mother, after her two-year-old child, fell out of the front seat passenger window, while she was driving in Acadia Parish. State Police does not suspect impairment on the part of the 32 year-old driver, but it’s obvious the child was not properly restrained…
cut 13 (11) “at least two”
That’s Master Trooper Brooks David (dah-VEED)

Thibodaux Representative Dee Richard is pleased Governor Jindal signed his legislation, which gives state lawmakers approval over state consulting contracts in excess of 40-thousand dollars. The measure was vetoed by the Governor last year. Richard expects up to one-third of state contracts will be up for review…:
CUT 4 (07) “that much money”
Richard says this law will put an end to wasteful contracts in state government.

Lt Governor Jay Dardenne has learned Disney-ABC has placed a moratorium on new film production in Louisiana because of changes made to the film tax credit program. He says the new law’s $180 million cap on credits redeemed is too low and movie producers are obviously displeased…
cut 14 (07) “fix things”
US Senator David Vitter, who like Dardenne, is running for governor, issued his own press release today saying he spoke with a Vice President with Disney who confirmed the company has not imposed a moratorium. But this issue needs to be revisted by the next governor.

The Louisiana NAACP is asking Governor Bobby Jindal to put a halt to the sale of the Sons of the Confederate Veterans license plate. The Office of Motor Vehicles says 160 of these speciality plates are on Louisiana roads and the plate does feature a confederate flag.