1:30 LRN Newscast Sept 13

A Caddo Parish substitute teacher is charged with paying five students cash to bully one. More from Jeff Palermo…:

CUT 02(30)      “…Palermo.”

Terrebonne Parish deputies arrest a local man, after a computer repair shop alerted them to child and animal porn on their customer’s PC. 72-year-old Kirk Bonvillain took the machine in for repairs. He told officers he got the images while “working overseas.” He is being held on $100-thousand bond, and faces a long list of charges.


CVS Pharmacies in Louisiana add an extra measure of security against prescription drug thefts; time delay pharmaceutical safes. CVS Chief Policy Officer Tom Moriarty says criminals steal drugs from pharmacies and sell them illicitly on the street; leading to higher crime and even overdose deaths. He says using time-lock technology – which is virtually un-crackable – will discourage that…:

CUT 12(06)      “…from happening.”

Moriarty says CVS does this to prevent drugs from being sold on the street for ill-gotten cash.

State health officials ask us to go get the new COVID booster shots, which have protection from newer variants of the virus currently going around. Governor John Bel Edwards got his today; his fifth COVID shot. He also got a flu shot while he was at it…:

CUT 08(07)      “…with COVID.”