8:30 LRN Newscast

The legislative auditor’s office releases a report that shows Louisiana’s 20-cent gasoline tax is not able to keep up with the state’s 15-billion dollar backlog on road and bridge construction needs. Louisiana Transportation Secretary Shawn Wilson says the audit notes that other states use a variety of transportaiton funding sources, including vehicle fees, tolls and even cigarette taxes…
cut 8 (11) “…what we need”

New Orleans Congressman Troy Carter will present a multi-million dollar plus check during a cermony at Carver High school in New Orleans that will lead to the construction of a football stadaium that will be built in the Ninth Ward….
cut 15 (08) “…of Katrina”
Carter will be joined by other election officials, sports figures, community advocates and students who will benefit from the stadium.

Earlier this summer the Biden Administration proposed expanding Title nine regulations at public schools that would prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and protecting transgender students. Louisiana Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley says at this time they are just proposed changes and encourages the public to voice their opinion vioa the federal registry…
cut 6 (08) “….proposed changes”

A four-person Louisiana Department of Health drining water engineering team has returned after helping Jackson, Mississippi officials restore water pressure in the city’s drinking water system that was damaged by severe flooding. GOHSEP spokesperson Mike Steels says Louisiana was glad to help after receiving assistance from other states during Louisiana’s natural disasters…
cut 12 (10) “…to other states”