10:30 LRN Newscast

Today is the 17-year anniversary of Katrina and an HBO documentary looks back at the devastating hurricane through the eyes of children. Filmmaker Edward Buckles, who was 13 at the time says he found that others like him had never talked about it before and he hopes it’s an example going forward to recognize that children often hide and bury their trauma and if not addressed it can manifest itself later.

Cut 6 (07)  “…single day.”

“Katrina Babies” is now streaming on HBO.


Research from LSU shows climate change had a big impact on flooding from Hurricane Harvey in Houston five years ago.  LSU sociology professor Kevin Smiley says the study points researchers to future studies to see if similar impacts could occur in other cities.

Cut 12 (10) “…damage from flooding.” 

The tropics are showing signs of heating up. The National Hurricane Center is monitoring four areas for possible development, but none of them pose a real threat to Louisiana. Tropical Storm Danielle has a good chance of developing later in the week in the central Atlantic, however, at this time the broad area of low pressure is not a threat to land.

The annual late summer swarms of love bugs are showing up in Louisiana. Marsanne Golsby says there’s no escape.

Cut 3 (28) “…I’m Marsanne Golsby.”