A tragic 4th of July boating incident in Livingston Parish claims the life of 17-year-old Madison Bradley of Slidell. LDWF spokesperson Adam Einck says agents were notified that the female last seen riding in front of the protective railing of a pontoon boat on Blind River just before 6pm.
Cut 24 the vessel :12
33-year-old David Crowe of Denham Springs has been charged with vehicular homicide, DWI and reckless operation.
Compared to the rest of the nation, Louisiana’s economy is in the midst of a steep decline. The state’s GDP fell by 4-point-3 percent, almost three times worse than the US as a whole, during the first quarter. University of Louisiana at Lafayette economist Gary Wagner says he thought things were bad…
Cut 7 (08) “….high energy prices.”
With the 2022 midterm elections closing in, could a Republican wave be forming? JMC Analytics pollster and political analyst John Couvillon (COO-vee-yon) says the GOP is galvanized against the Biden administration and independent voters just want to have competence in office, hence the bleeding of no-party votes away from the Democrats…:
The Louisiana National Guard officially ends their more than two-year COVID response in the state. Task Force COVID Commander Brig. General Cindy Haygood says it’s the longest mission she’s ever been on but most of all she’s proud of the work they’ve done at home in the last 27 months.