08:30 LRN Newscast, July 5th

The Louisiana National Guard has officially ended its COVID response, after 27 months of community support. Service members assisted in more than 636 thousand COVID tests, and 234-thousand vaccinations. Task Force COVID Commander Brig. General Cindy Haygood says they built incredible relationships with nonprofits and various agencies across the state…:
Cut 6 (09) “lifelong”

Louisiana’s economy slumped sharply to start 2022, with the GDP falling 4.3% in the first quarter — almost 3 times steeper than the US economy. UL-Lafayette economist Gary Wagner says it’s driven in large part by the state’s Manufacturing sector…:
Cut 8 (13) “seeing that slowdown”
Only five other states posted a sharper contraction.

With the fall midterm elections growing closer, could a Republican wave be forming? Kevin Gallagher asks a Baton Rouge analyst…:
Cut 3 (31) “I’m Kevin Gallagher”

Louisiana insurance officials will host a webinar today to explain the details of the Catastrophe Reform Package. It’ll be an overview of new laws passed during the 2022 Legislative Session aimed at enhancing protections for insurance property holders and strengthening the insurance market. Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon will also provide an update on the policy cancellations from companies deemed insolvent.