Two bills that are key to a Common Core compromise made it off the House Floor Wednesday. Lake Charles Representative Brett Geymann, a staunch opponent of Common Core, is glad all sides of this controversial issue came together…:
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The votes were nearly unanimous and the bills now head to the Senate.
Political pundit CB Forgotston says Governor Bobby Jindal violated the state constitution by issuing a press release through the governor’s office criticizing Presidential candidate Rand Paul. Jindal’s statement, which is on letterhead used by the governor’s office, says Senator Paul is unsuited to be Commander-in-Chief. Forgotston says he’s filed a complaint with Louisiana Inspector General Stephen Street…
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When contacted, Street said he can’t comment on a possible investigation.
Louisiana has its first female high school head football coach in history and she’ll be coaching a deaf squad. Michelle Southern reports…
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Golden Meadow Police say a Galliano woman is under arrest accused of stealing money from a children’s baseball league. 35-year-old Renee Serigny allegedly took more than $12,000 from the checking account of Golden Meadow’s Babe Ruth and Cal Ripken leagues. Authorities say Serigny admitted to taking the money and using it for personal matters. Serigny is charged with two counts of felony theft.