A political pundit says Governor Bobby Jindal violated the state constitution for his attack on Presidential candidate, Senator Rand Paul. Jeff Palermo has more…
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A Plaquemines Parish grand jury has indicted a Navy Reserve seaman and his wife in the March death of their three-and-a-half-month old daughter at the air station in Belle Chasse. Xavier Houston and his wife, Calendria, both 26, were arrested and charged with second-degree murder in the case. The couple also face cruelty to juvenile charges for allegedly abusing their remaining five children.
Two bills that are key parts to a Common Core compromise made it off the House Floor Wednesday. The votes were nearly unanimous and Governor Bobby Jindal is also backing the proposals. Lake Charles Representative Brett Geymann, who opposes Common Core, says he’s appreciative of the hard work that went into coming up with this legislation…
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The measures go to the Senate, which is expected to go along with the bills.
Nicholls State University has signed an educational partnership with Galliano-based offshore giant Edison Chouest that will waive out-of-state and international fees for students connected to the company. University President Bruce Murphy says this agreement will bring more international diversity to the Thibodaux campus…
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Chouest has approximately 14,000 employees in over a dozen countries worldwide.