2:30 LRN Newscast March 11

Before passing a $1.5-trillion government funding bill this week, the U.S. Senate rejected an amendment adding over $2-billion for further recovery from Louisiana’s hurricanes in 2020 and ’21. It was brought by our two senators, John Kennedy and Bill Cassidy. Cassidy says despite federal help already sent, there’s still a big need. He says he’ll keep doing whatever he can to help with the recovery…:

CUT 08  (11)        “…less well off.”

Congressman Garret Graves introduces a bill to create a special postage stamp that will help raise money to combat Louisiana’s invasive species – like the nutria, the Asian Carp and more. He says his bill has bipartisan support in the U.S. House…:

CUT 11  (07)        “…would be great.”

Nutria are known to damage coastal marshes and feed on young cypress trees – weakening the marsh ecosystem.


The Louisiana Legislature starts its annual regular session Monday. Lawmakers will discuss the merits of about 1000 bills. Council for A Better Louisiana president Barry Erwin says look for teacher pay raise bills, medical marijuana expansion, more term limits for public servants and more. He says partisan squabbles are to be expected, as some lawmakers seek to lessen the executive branch’s emergency powers – due to dissatisfaction over the Governor’s pandemic response…:

CUT 14(09)      “…politically charged session.”

The session must end by 6 pm on Monday, June 6th.

Gasoline continues to rise. The statewide average price for regular gas is now $4.15; up 2-cents from just yesterday … up 50-cents from a week ago and up 92-cents from a month ago. Diesel fuel is at a statewide average of 5 bucks.

Expect another cold blast as a front moves through the state later tonight, making for a cold Saturday morning and even colder Sunday morning. You’ll wake up Sunday to lows in the upper 20’s over most of the state.