Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sent the price of a barrel of crude oil above 100-dollars for the first time since 2014. Gasoline prices are also expected to rise. According to Louisiana Triple-A, the statewide average for a gallon of regular gasoline is $3.31. Executive Director for the Center for Energy Studies at LSU, David Dismukes says gasoline prices could exceed four dollars a gallon, if demand remains high…
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The Public Service Commission is urging Louisiana utilities, electric, gas, and water to step up their vigilance on cyber security as a result of the unrest caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. PSC member Lambert Boissiere
Cut 5 (08) “…computers these days.”
Louisiana households currently receiving SNAP benefits, also known as Food Stamps, can now order groceries online at Walmart stores, and the state Department of Children and Family Servies expects the program to rapidly spread to other retailers. DCFS Secretary Marketa Garner Walters says for some EBT cardholders shopping remotely could be life-changing…
cut 13 (06) “….to do it”
There are 419-thousand Louisiana households receiving SNAP benefits.
As sports betting continues to evolve, Louisiana remains at the forefront. After the successful launch of mobile wagering in January, the state will welcome sports wager trading next year. Sporttrade operates much like Robinhood or Coinbase, except with sports instead of stocks. CEO Alex Kane says that brings a completely new dimension to the betting landscape.
Cut 10 (13) “…a sports outcome.”
The Gaming Control Board still needs to approve the sporttrade platform.