Early this morning Russia launched their invasion of Ukraine. U-S Senator Bill Cassidy a released a statement in response saying “Russia has just become a pariah nation. Everything short of involving U.S. forces should be done to punish this action. This should be unrelenting.”
As sports betting continues to evolve, Louisiana remains at the forefront. David Grubb has more on the newest entry into the gaming market…
Cut 2 (33) “…I’m David Grubb.”
EBT cardholders in Louisiana can now purchase groceries online. Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services, Marketa Garner Walters says this is life-changing for recipients with limited transportation. Vendors must apply to the USDA for approval and so far, the only approved online vendor in Louisiana is Walmart.
Cut 14 (07) “…pretty quickly.”
Delivery fees are not covered by EBT funds.
Among the bills pre-filed for the upcoming legislative session is New Orleans Representative Candice Newell’s (New-elle) effort to lay the groundwork for 10 cannabis production facilities to operate in Louisiana. Currently, only two are allowed to grow in the state and they supply medicinal cannabis.
The session begins March 14th.